A December 28th excerpt from Facebook:
Pig does like to come in every once in a while, but he loves being outside where he can root around and not get into any trouble. When he was little and living in the house, his rooting skills were so powerful, he would turn over furniture, open cabinets, and make quite a mess. Outside, he roots around in the grass for hours, and sometimes plays chase with the cats. Boots the kitten has jumped on his back a couple of times during one of these games. One day, I went out and called for Pig, as I couldn't see him from the deck. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and saw him, running down the hill next door, with a couple of horses in pursuit. He ducked under the barbed wire fence (as much as a pig can duck) and made it to safety. He LOVES his mealtimes (he IS a pig, after all), and I try to make his meals colorful and balanced nutritionally. He gets a cup of pig feed, topped with sliced apples, carrots, some raisins, some lettuce or other leftoever veggies, and a couple of dog biscuits, twice a day.