Here are some excerpts from our family blog regarding Pig's name, antics, etc., and some more photos and videos:
June 2011: We have decided to change the pig's name to Pigasus (Pig for short), btw, because of the way he runs/flies? at top speed, with his little piggy feet barely touching the ground. When the rain started on Saturday, we let him out to go to the bathroom, and he was so thrilled by the wetness of the rain, he did a few piggy pirouettes and then FLEW to the back corner of the yard which he has appointed for such business....Well, I'd better stop here -- Pig is chewing up a magazine.....
July 2011: Here's Pigasus making his funny face (demanding another yogurt-covered raisin). He sticks out his lower lip in the shape of a triangle. Insert raisin, please.
December 2011: We'll be leaving for SC in the morning, so Pig celebrated the holiday early today with a Christmas plate of leftover pancakes. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good oink!
I like the pig's cute little waggly tail!
ReplyDeleteIt's much more like a dog's tail than I was expecting it to be!